First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Primary Phone *
Type of Residence * Please select House / Townhouse Residence / Student Housing Apartment / Condo Rural / Other
If you rent an apartment or condo, does your Lease Agreement allow pets? * Please select Yes No Unsure
Numbers of adults in home: *
Numbers of children in home:
Ages of children:
Is anyone in your household allergic to cats? * Please select Yes No Unsure
If you discover, post-adoption, that someone in your family may be allergic, how will you deal with this issue? *
Do you have pets in your current household? * Please select Yes No
How long have you had your current pet(s)?
Types of animals currently residing with me: * Please select Dog Cat Other / Multiple
If "Other / Multiple", please describe: *
Are these animals up to date with their vaccinations? Please select Yes No
If "No", please explain: *
How do you plan to introduce your new pet to your current pet(s)? *
Have you ever surrendered, sold or given away an animal? * Please select Yes No
If "Yes", please explain: *
Have you had an animal(s) in the past that is no longer with you? * Please select Yes No
If "Yes", how long did you have each and what happened to them? *
Which cat(s)/kitten(s) are you interested in adopting? *
What personality type do you feel best suits your personality and lifestyle? *
Describe, in detail, your own personality and lifestyle: *
Do you plan on letting your adopted cat/kitten outside? * Please select Yes, free roaming No Yes, supervised Yes, with harness
What type of animal behaviour would be completely unacceptable to you? *
On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = not at all, 10 = very experienced), how would you rate your knowledge of the requirements of a cat/kitten? *
Have you or anyone in your household ever been investigated by any animal welfare group or organization? * Please select Yes No
If "Yes", please explain: *
Have you or anyone in your household ever been charged or convicted of an animal related offense? * Please select Yes No
If "Yes", please explain: *
I understand that the adopted cat/kitten must remain in my care. Should my situation change I will contact SNKI. * Please select Yes No
I understand that a home visit may be conducted, pre and/or post adoption at the sole discretion of SNKI * Please select Yes No
Do you have a current vet/vet clinic? * Please select Yes No
Who is your current vet? *
Do you intend to have your adopted cat/kitten declawed? * Please select Yes No Might Consider
On average, how much do you think it would cost yearly to maintain the health of your pet? * Please select 0-$100 $100-$300 $300-$500 $500+
Emergency treatment may be necessary without warning. Are you prepared to deal with this type of situation if it does occur? * Please select Yes No
I authorize the above noted veterinarian(s) to verify my pet's medical history with Spay Neuter Kingston Initiative * Please select Yes No I do not have a vet, yet.
Vet Clinic Phone:
Number of years at current vet:
Please list other veterinarian(s) here if pet has been seen by more than one veterinarian.
Personal Reference (Not Family Members): *
Relationship: *
Reference Phone: *
If "Other", please explain:
Applicant Signature (type your name): *