Phone *
Email *
Are you 18 years of age or older? * Please select Yes No
A home visit prior to acceptance as a foster home is required. This allows us to provide a better "fit" in terms of our foster animals and potential foster homes. Are you okay with this? * Please select Yes No
If "No", please explain. *
Do you have access to a reliable vehicle? * Please select Yes No
Would you be able to transport your foster cat or kitten to veterinarian or other appointments as needed? * Please select Yes No
Foster placements can be anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. Are there any time constraints on your ability to foster? This would include holidays. * Please select Yes No
If "Yes", please explain: *
Do you have a preference in terms of fostering? * Please select Prefer a cat Prefer a kitten Doesn't matter
Do you have a spare bedroom or separate room where the fostered cat or kitten can initially be kept? * Please select Yes No
Can you foster more than one animal at a time? * Please select Yes No
Have you ever worked with feral or undersocialized cats or kittens? * Please select Yes No
If "Yes", please explain your involvement, what you experienced and how you dealt with it? *
Are you willing to foster animals with special medical or dietary needs? * Please select Yes No Medical Dietary
Do you have any experience working with animals with emotional or fear issues? * Please select Yes No
If "Yes", please explain your involvement, what you experienced and how you dealt with it. *
Would you be prepared to foster a "litter" of kittens? * Please select Yes No
Are you prepared to monitor the health of your foster animal(s)? * Please select Yes No
Are you willing to allow potential adopters into your home to meet your foster animal(s)? * Please select Yes No
Are you comfortable with the idea that this fostered animal(s) is not yours to adopt out and that all potential adopters must go through the regular adoption process? Please select Yes No
Are you prepared to make arrangements for someone to look after the fostered pet in your absence, subject to approval by SNKI? * Please select Yes No
Type of residence: * Please select Own home/townhouse/condo Rent home/townhouse/apartment
Is everyone in your household in agreement with taking in a foster animal? * Please select Yes No Not applicable
Are you a student? * Please select Yes No
If you are a student, which year are you in? *
Are you allowed to have pets at your residence? * Please select Yes No There is a pet clause in my rental agreement
Is anyone in your household allergic to cats? * Please select Yes No
Do you currently have any pets? * Please select Yes No
If "Yes", please explain what pets are in your household. *
Are your current pets spayed/neutered? * Please select Yes No
Are any of your pet(s) pregnant or have had litters in the past? * Please select Yes No
Are you a registered breeder? * Please select Yes No
Do any pets occasionally stay over or visit frequently? * Please select Yes No
If "Yes", what type of animal ocassionally stays over or visits *
Are there children in your current household? * Please select Yes No
If "Yes", what are their ages and gender? *
Have you or anyone in your household ever been investigated by an animal welfare group or organization? * Please select Yes No
If "Yes", please explain: *
Have you or anyone in your household ever been charged or convicted of an animal related offence? * Please select Yes No
If "Yes", please explain: *
Have you or any member of your household ever had any of your cat(s) declawed? * Please select Yes No
If "Other", please explain: *
What is the name of your primary veterinarian and the name of the veterinarian clinic? * *
Number of years a client? *
Do you give consent for SNKi to access your veterinary information? * Yes No
Reference #1 Phone: *
Reference #1 Relationship: *
Reference #1 Number of years known: *
Reference #2 Phone: *
Reference #2 Relationship: *
Reference #2 Number of years known: *
If "Other", please explain: *
Applicant Signature (type your name): *