TNVR (Trap/Neuter/Vaccinate/Return) Works!

[Update: As of Dec 31, 2018, SNKI no longer oversees the City of Kingston’s TNVR program, there are other local rescues that are available for this program, please contact the COK.]

SNKI continues to provide care to our existing colonies and any new requests will be reviewed case by case. In either situation, please contact [email protected] for inquiry. ]

What is TNVR? Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return or Trap-Neuter-Return is a caring and non-lethal response to the problem of feral cats. Under a TNR program, cats are trapped, sterilized and returned to their territory. Returning cats to their colony prevent other cats from moving in to occupy the same area, as the established cats will defend it from intruders. At the time of spay/neuter surgery, the cats are also vaccinated and treated for fleas, ear mites, and worms, and any other acute conditions that may require veterinary attention. After spay/neuter surgery, caretakers continue to feed and shelter the cats and monitor their condition.

The “Neuter” in Trap-Neuter-Return is the key to solving the pet overpopulation problem because TNR is, above all, a population control program that reduces and controls feral cat numbers through sterilization. TNR programs have been shown to lower animal shelter intake numbers and euthanasia rates. With shelters full, and rescue groups stretched to capacity, TNR is the most effective and humane strategy for dealing with feral cats.

All cats/kittens fixed through our TNVR Program are spayed/neutered, receive 1st set of vaccinations, are treated for fleas and internal parasites and are “ear-tipped” and are returned to their colonies.

Did you know that adult cats and kittens that can be socialized are brought into our adoption and foster programs?  Spay Neuter Kingston Initiative (SNKI) covers the veterinary costs and provides food, when available, until a forever home is found.  SNKI is a non-profit charity and 100% volunteer driven so all donations go directly to supporting the animals.

Find out more:

Spay Neuter Kingston Initiative TNVR

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