Earlier this season SNKI teamed up with For the Love of Ferals to help stabilize a feral / barn colony situation that got out of hand. Below is a CKWS TVinterview re Kingston’s local colony cat problems, the solutions available and what’s needed next.  Check it out…

Kingston currently offers two ways of dealing with the feral cat / pet overpopulation:

1) SNKI oversees the City’s Trap/Neuter/Spay/Return (TNVR) program. If you are in the city boundaries, apply online for TNVR Request Assistance

2) The city offers individuals $250 voucher that goes towards the cost of spaying and neutering your pets. This Responsible Pet Ownership Program is based on income. To apply for the voucher click on the MFAP link here: https://www.cityofkingston.ca/resi…/animals-pets/responsible

Why is this a temporary solution?

While it’s good to have the above two options in place, they remain a band-aid solution to the pet overpopulation crisis.  In order to tackle the root of the problem, we must implement an affordable spay-neuter program in Kingston.  The real solution is with a high-volume low-cost spay-neuter clinic or mobile unit.

How do we make this happen?

Call, email, fax your city councillor and tell them Kingston needs this.  It’s only when we all work together that we can make a difference.


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